Van den Heuvel Engelen Infra

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Van den Heuvel Engelen Infra is a rapidly growing specialist in comprehensive above and underground infrastructure projects. With broad expertise in earthworks, demolition, landscaping, utility construction, sewage, and energy networks, Van den Heuvel Engelen Infra offers a comprehensive approach from design to completion: from infrastructure to green.

Green Communication, alongside the three brothers René, Ton, and Dirk van den Heuvel, refined the brand design and developed a new profile, defining the 6 expertises and the brand promise: "From Infrastructure to green". 

Over a period of more than 1.5 years, Green Communication produced videos and photos for over 10 projects across the Netherlands, using this material and insights from client discussions to create a completely new website and corporate video. Additionally, they provide ongoing support in brand management, contributing to the company's continuous growth and strength!